Anna Wendzikowska

Anna Wendzikowska (born in Warsaw, Poland) is an Polish actress and journalist. Anna Wendzikowska was born in Poland on the 7th of September 1981. She's TV host, journalist and an actress. She was born on 7th September, 1981 on the 7th September 1981 in Warsaw Poland. Most famous for her role on Polish television's Pytanie na sniadanie ("Question for Breakfast") Anna Wendzikowska graduated from the University of Warsaw with a master's degree in journalism. In 2003 she started working as a journalist freelance at the Polish publication Gazeta Wyborcza. The year 2004 saw her begin working in television for TVN which is a Polish television station. Anna Wendzikowska began working with the Pytanie na sniadanie show, an extremely popular Polish breakfast program, in the year 2006. Since then, she has become a regular host on the show. Anna Wendzikowska's work in television as well as film does not limit her to the television. Her two published books include Kobieta w the biegu as well as Kobieta w rodze. Anna Wendzikowska's wealth has been estimated to be around $2 million. There is no relationship at present. She is not married. There isn't much we know about her past relationships or the previous engagements. According to our database, she has never been married and has never had kids. Between 2022 and 2023, her net worth has grown significantly. Anna Wendzikowska is 42. What is her wealth? Anna Wendzikowska makes most of her income as journalist. It's a Polish. We've estimated Anna Wendzikowska's net worth, based on the amount she earns and her salary. Anna Wendzikowska (born in Poland) is an actress, TV journalist, and journalist. She is a TVN Dzien Dobry correspondent.

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<a href=Anna Wendzikowska  Anna   Wendzikowska  Anna   Wendzikowska


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